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Punk Rock HR

May 6, 2019

I have another exciting episode of Let’s Fix Work for you this week! My guest is Dane Hurtubise, Vice President of Platform and Partnerships at Greenhouse Software. In today’s episode, we talked about moments that matter, whether it's in the interview process, the hiring process, pre-boarding or onboarding, whatever moment you're in regarding the world of work. Those moments matter and they also better be great, especially in our current talent-driven economy.

We discussed the relationships that exist in the corporate world between employers and their employees and how software can enhance that relationship and how to empower employees so that they can be as productive as possible. Plus, we discussed how hiring managers or recruitment teams can now get beyond the point of being bogged down with administrative paperwork and focus on the employee instead. All of this leads to having the best experience possible at work to help people have meaningful lives. So, are you ready to fix work? If you want to hear how Greenhouse Software can help bring meaning back to your office, how to advance the onboarding process, or how to empower employees, then listen to this episode of Let’s Fix Work.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. How the relationships between companies and employees are changing
  2. Opportunities for employers to connect with potential employees that have often been missed, and how employees can now be heard and taken care of
  3. The idea of onboarding and development cycles between employers and employees
  4. The differences between good and bad onboarding
  5. What or who is responsible for good onboarding to occur
  6. How the best practices for recruiting are included in Greenhouse’s software product
  7. What the future of technology holds for enhancing the employer/employee relationship and the innovation that is being developed
  8. Encouraging a proactive nature in recruiting and empowering companies with the technology they need for recruiting
  9. The importance of work in people’s lives and how meaningful that work should be

Think about all the different crucial moments that happen in someone's life as an employee. Things like termination, a relocation, a promotion, and of course, onboarding. These are the kind of moments that really matter, the ones that you tell your friends and your loved ones about.” -Dane Hurtubise, Greenhouse Software

“If we're having 10 jobs or more or even a short career,  we want to be able to make those moments really matter. When you leave the organization, what are you going to say about your time at that company? Are you going to say great things? I really think there's a moment of feeling empathy that we can capture, create, and  build trust with employees.” -Dane Hurtubise, Greenhouse Software

Resources from this episode:

 Thanks to our sponsor:

Connect with Dane Hurtubise on LinkedIn: Use code fixwork for 25% off your ticket

Greenhouse Software is a new sponsor of Let’s Fix Work. At Greenhouse OPEN 2019, their annual conference, they are celebrating the Talent Makers – the people who have figured out how great hiring drives business growth. Registration is open for the conference. I’ll be there speaking and I would love to see you! Head on over to  and use code fixwork for 25% off discount your conference ticket.  And then I’ll see you in New York in June!