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Punk Rock HR

Sep 28, 2020

Punk Rock HR Episode 128:

Lindsay Crittendon is the head of Headspace for Work. If you thought that was a meditation app on your phone, so did I. However, it is actually so much more than that. They work with businesses across the spectrum to help them identify the best ways to improve the workplace.

Mental Health...

Sep 21, 2020

Punk Rock HR Episode 127:

Today’s guests are Robert Williams and Brian Baucom. They are the co-founders of a company called 4 Oaks Ventures. The team at 4 Oaks provides quality PPE and COVID-19 testing to employees and industries all over America.

Robert and Brian are my neighbors in this community. They’re my...

Sep 14, 2020

Punk Rock HR Episode 126:

Today’s guest is author and speaker Minda Harts. If you have ever wondered who’s fighting for women of color to get a seat at the table, it’s Minda. Her book, Memo, has opened the doors for women and other authors to talk about what’s really happening in the world of work. 

On top of...

Sep 7, 2020

Punk Rock HR Episode 125:

Today’s guest is my friend Zach Ward. He is the former owner of a comedy theater whose career was ended in 2017. Zach was canceled before it was trendy.

Zach is someone who fulfilled a dream which many of us have. He came back home after college, created a community, and monetized his...